Don’t be confused. This fall’s key issue is not about the economy. Surely, it is disheartening and discouraging to be out of work and trying hard to make ends meet. It appears that there are two choices: believe that jobs are yet to come because of the stimulus program or the promise of yet another one, or believe the stimulus is not going to employee you in any of the never-really-was shovel ready projects. Providing for one’s family is foremost on the minds of Americans who carry that responsibility. But don’t be fooled, this is not what November’s election is all about. It's much bigger.
Too much is at stake. America is an exceptional country, threatened by an ever increasing federal government. As the government gets bigger, the citizen’s liberty becomes smaller. Nothing illustrates this more than when the individual works for themselves. That is liberty. When the government takes more and more of your wage in taxes, it curtails your freedom. You have less and less left to spend as you see fit. Therefore, your decisions, your choices, your freedoms are diminished. Instead your money goes to the government to be redistributed.
Staggering debt, increasing payments to government workers and their pensions when the private sector is squeezed, the use of czars to increase governmental power usurping congressional constitutional responsibilities, and the use of executive powers to threaten passage of burdensome cap and trade laws are crushing your freedoms. It is out of control and ever growing. With Social Security, Medicare, and debt service projected to comprise 90% of GDP by 2020, how are we to afford mundane services like the defense of the country and border security?
Today, the bottom 50% of wage earners pay just 3% of collected income tax. Real America is no longer vested in themselves, but into a system of perverse behavior. When participation in the income tax becomes a minority enterprise we create a moral hazard. We are creating and our children will inherit a bigger government with ever shrinking tax base. Do you really believe this formula can be sustained? And when it does crash, what will you have but your sold liberties?
We can’t dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities any longer. It is time reexamine what our government is suppose to do for us. That is as little as possible.
The strength of our country is based on three values that are under attack.
- It is God-centered not secular.(Do you believe it is wrong and unconstitutional for students to be told, "God bless you" at their graduation?)
- It is E pluribus Unum, from many one.(Do you believe bilingual education for children of immigrants, rather than immersion in English, is good for them and for America?)
- And it is liberty. (Do you believe the government should fine its citizens for not purchasing a consumer product?)
When you vote on November 2, please consider your candidates’ beliefs. It is not about their platform on tried and failed litmus issues. It is about preserving our exceptional country and the liberties provided to all. It’s time to slash the tyranny of big government and the lurch to the left.