Thursday, April 28, 2011


This latest issue of Time Magazine features a letter to the editors in bold print. It is a response to a recent article that questioned if God is good how could there be a hell? If you are a believing Christian you know that our good God is also a just God. How can you have reward without punishment? A reader was compelled to express his opinion about hell. And Time Magazine showed no shame. Not only did they print the comment, but featured it in bold text. Hell is easy to define. It would be spending eternity with Evangelicals.

I suppose this was to show what a witty staff and readership this magazine sports. However this letter was shameful. I ask would Time Magazine dare publish a letter that defined hell as spending eternity with Jews? Or how about Muslims? Could they dare be so ignominious to claim spending eternity with Catholics be hell? While the subject of hell is a religious one could hell be defined as eternity spent with blacks or gays? How much more insensitive could the editorial staff and management of Time Magazine be? Oops, I forgot they are of the secular left.

The secular left claims to be all about inclusivity. Being warm and fuzzy, rallying around the social justice cause whether it's global warming or gay marriage. They cry, "Why can’t we all get along?" It is obvious it is all a façade. The gregarious welcome only goes so far. As long as you believe as the secular left believes, then you are a protected class, a class not to be offended. That's the rule.

Evangelical Christians, more than any other group, challenges the secular left. That makes us fair game. We are attackable. The secular left’s tactic is to attack those who take issue with their positions. This is not done on any level of logic, reason, debate or intelligent discussion. The tactic is to demean those who are not on their side. Mock and ridicule. How else can this shameful “joke” be published in Time Magazine? As a Christian I’ll wear it as a badge of honor.

There is one other explanation. Christians are reasonable. Attack a Christian and there is no demonstration in the street. They don't don headbands and chant "Death to Time Magazine". They don't go around issuing death threats or declaring Holy War against those who are non-believers. Instead, they pray for their enemy. They forgive their persecutors. They are in peace with God. One would be damned lucky to spend eternity with a Christian. But that won't happen unless you believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who saved you by His grace.

I suggest Time Magazine feature the present day percussion of Christians in the Middle East and Africa. It is something mainstream media just won't do.

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