Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Open Letter to Senator Roy McDonald

Dear Senator McDonald,

Your decision to support gay-marriage in New York State is disappointing. For 5000 years of human history the institution of marriage has been defined as one man united with one woman. Great philosophers down through the ages have defined marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Now in some new enlightenment we have discovered something no other civilization has ever discovered? That marriage should be redefined and our governmental representatives should be empowered to do so? What a shame and what a peril.

The slippery slope on which you intend to put the great State of New York and ultimately the country is both steep and the decent is fast. If government can redefine marriage based on compassion what else can be justified? Yes, compassion sounds so right. Compassion and bringing us all together sounds so warm and fuzzy. What is a better course to take? To feel good or to do the right thing?

You have now been pressured by individuals who want to feel good about things while neglecting what is right. Right is about moral behavior and moral behavior is not defined by one man or government. It is defined by God. Otherwise, we suffer the consequences of government defining rights, liberties and ultimately truth based on law defined by man. That is a dangerous ledge to stand upon.

You are neglecting your obligations as a representative of the people to hold us all to a high moral standard. These morals are defined by our Creator. No man or government should define these standards.

Defining marriage based on compassion is wrong. How can you deny a brother from marrying a brother, a sister a sister or even a sister and a mother? Would this not be in the name of compassion when these individuals love each other or have a good economic reason to be “married”?

Mr. McDonald, I ask you to reconsider your decision. Gays and lesbians should be afforded the same rights as heterosexual individuals. That’s where compassion as well as morality lays. Marriage is a human institution established to perpetuate the society, and that is done by making the morally correct decision. Making moral decisions and the consequences for doing otherwise must be borne by all, gay and straight.

May God bless you and your family

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