Thursday, September 13, 2012


Insult Muslims and they go on a rampage, not against those who insulted them, but innocent individuals who had nothing to do with the insult.  No other ethnic or religious group does this. And this is the religion of tolerance? That is outrageous.

What is the point of saying, “We didn’t do it.” as a defense? Muslims don’t listen to reason. They won’t say, “Oh, okay.” And go home. To think so is outrageously naïve.  

Culture does shape behavior.  Religion is an undeniable element of culture and a culture that warps self-images so its followers will blow themselves up, demeans women by treating them like property, condones honor killings,  rationalizes irrational behavior and justifies these “values” in the name of god is abhorrent.  It is outrageous to think otherwise.

Apologies mean nothing to people who deny the stark truth of their religion: Allah is a fake god and Mohammad was a nothing more than a heathen who rationalized his behavior in the name of a god by founding a code of his craven conduct.  

Have you seen the video? It is as juvenile as an eighth grader making farts with his arm pits. Yes, it is not a flattering picture of Mohammad as it scrapes nearer to a truth than any Muslim would care to accept. This video no worse than what has been seen on South Park regarding Jews or Christians.  What should be the response to the crucifix in urine a winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art's "Awards in the Visual Arts" competition, which was sponsored in part by the United States National Endowment for the Arts?

Under the guise that the video insulted the prophet Mohammad, several thousands of tolerant Muslims showed up at the embassy in Cairo, breached the compound and burned the US flag. The Egyptian government never flinched.  In Libya the US ambassador is murdered along with three other Americans in a calculated attack.  The warped Islamic claim is they must vindicate Muhammad.  This just vindicates the claim that the religion is being held hostage by its lunacy.  The logic apparently is: A insults B. B murders C to avenge the insult. Outrageous.

Let’s be candid. Islam is nothing more than thugs holding the world hostage.  Don’t give me that this is the fringe. The so called fringe is Islam itself because the rest of rational Muslims are shaking in fear like the rest of the world.  Have you heard one high level Muslim express outrage? No.

Well, I ain’t apologizing. It is time to stop appeasing these unchecked Islamic countries and rip their guts out.

Prayers to the families who lost husbands, sons and fathers: Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, Shawn Smith and Chris Stevens.


Views from Malmesbury said...

I’ve been reading the papers and Chris Stevens seems to have been a remarkable man, I wish there were more like him in the world. I agree, what has been done is outrageous. It’s outrageous that someone who has worked so hard for peace and stability has been killed, along with his fellows. It’s outrageous that anyone would attack innocent people in the name of God, or Allah or any other. I don’t disagree with any of your comments on the appalling reaction to something that is frankly not worth the attention it’s been given. However, I can’t bring myself to blame the religion itself. Atrocities are committed by different religions for different reasons. I’m not a historian and my understanding of the world is naive to say the least. However, as I understand it the Crusaders invaded the Holy Land because they were convinced they had the right; southern Irish bombed innocents in London because the UK supported the Northern Irish in their decision to be part of the UK, a division originating in the differences between Catholics and Protestants. Everywhere in the world there are constant reports of one religion battling another in some way or another, even different sects within the same religion. I’m the only Christian in my family, the others are non-believers. One member is even antagonistic towards all religion believing they are all evil and most of the word’s ills are caused by religion. It’s hard to argue against it when you look at the News but I still believe it’s not the religions, it’s the individuals. I could have blamed the Irish for the fear I experienced working in London in the late ‘70s, ringing round friends to make sure they were safe after one bombing or another but I know some northern and southern Irish and they were as sickened, and scared, as I was. I also know Muslims, have known Jews and one or two of the less mainstream religions. Please, please don’t let hate into your heart. Fomenting hatred and division is something these madmen/monsters/idiots would like to do. I’m not a pacifist, I’ll fight if I have to – in fact I can be a pretty antagonistic person - but I like to fight the right people. I agree with you, appeasement is wrong and I wish I knew a better way but perhaps we can at least act carefully? I apologise for such a lengthy comment on your platform, I’ve admired your thoughts and opinions and style and felt you deserved a considered response on something you so obviously feel strongly about.

Valerie Perez said...

I greatly appreciate your comments. They were very thoughtful. I wrote this blog because I am so disgusted with Islam. When the attacks on 9/11 happened I defended Islam. I remember studying religion in high school and though the religion was greatly misunderstood. I even observed the 40 day Ramadan’s fast that year, much to the dismay of my friends and family. But I wanted to know, albeit in a very limited view, what it would be like to focus on a religious rite for that length of time. I also read the Quran. I lost ten pounds eating biscuits, dates and nuts. At the end of 2001 I had read the entire Quran , but not my Bible. Back in those days I didn’t understand what it meant to be Christian.

Besides the passage of eleven years and world events two people have changed my view of Islam, Wafa Sultan and Mosab Hassan Yousef. Both know Islam first hand and I would encourage anyone to read their books, both revealing, shocking. You’ll discover of how corrupt the faith is. Okay, I hear everyone saying all religions are corrupt. I could not agree me. Religion is about man and we are indeed are not angels. That is why I am a Christian by grace. No religion. Just a belief in my Lord and Savior and a humble acceptance of His grace. My belief is all about Him and what He had done for me, not what I must do for Him. No element of Islam can say this.

I get upset with Islam because it suppresses people all over the world. Men are left with nothing but empty promises no god would fulfill and women are subjected to men who had been left with no rational backbone. Muslims in non Arab countries don’t realize that their Qurans have been toned down. Then add those radicals who truly know the sick and oppressive teachings of Muhammad and they crusade with this terror on their breath. The rest of the Muslims are dumbstruck and silenced by the radicals. The culture is about hate, the religion is about hate and the god is about hate.

I will fight for my God and my country and my family, but I will not act like a thug in doing so. Am I a better person than any Muslim? No, but my faith in my Christian God certainly is.

Again, I thank you for your comments and your sincere effort to reach out to me.

Views from Malmesbury said...

You have definitely looked into this more than I have, mine is a very superficial knowledge. There's no doubt the reaction is completely over the top and frankly insane, however generated. As you say, there are no reports of top muslims coming out and decrying it yet, lets hope they do so before this escalates further.

Interestingly my beliefs seem similar to yours. I was christened in the Church of England, brought up in the Congregational Church but no longer follow any formal religion. I believe in God and Christ and try to live as I believe they want me to live - not always very successfully I have to say. And that's it.

I'm glad you're not put off by my earlier comment, what a pity those lunatics couldn't follow your example and be more reasonably tolerant!