“So what are you doing right now,” Mike asked. “I’m returning home from Home Depot.” I replied taking the turn onto Alii Drive.

However, the island has to get built somehow. Condo and homeowners have chores to accomplish just like anywhere else. Lowes, Ace and Home Depot are here to capitalize. I didn’t tell him the rented truck carried a load of patio furniture (just a small two seat set and table) and thirteen palms were blowing in the wind tucked between seven bags of dirt. And oh yeah, lumber. For constructing the bed.

Sleeping on this make shift bed was hazardous if you slipped too close to the edge. If you tended to draw the covers up throughout the night your toes would stick out the end because the sheets couldn’t be tucked.

After looking at the cost of box springs and bed frames, I considered another option. I like the Japanese low platform design and felt confident I could make such a thing, but for one small detail. I don’t have tools on island.
Next door a contractor was in the middle of remodeling a condo. I approached him with the option of cutting my lumber off a cut list. Maybe forty cuts. He agreed,

A well done frame. Square too. Hauled the old box spring to the dumpster and put the frame in my lanai closet, for now. (Man, it is getting full)
Next project: headboard?

A bed of distinction! Julie
Added the last two slats yesterday. Note I ran out of lumber when decided to add a bit more length to the bed. I need to add photo of the bed with present headboard. Maybe in NY this summer I'll design and build a new one. More tools there than here. Of course shipping becomes an issue.
The distinction is that the sail captain helped make this possible.
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