How to make an air conditioner disappear. Get the right tools. Without them, it can be a bit difficult. Nevertheless, two weeks later - a lot of putzing around and a lot of thinking (well not so much) - I finally put my shoulder to the wheel and finished – sort of – the screen to hide the air conditioner, which I don’t use. It would have been easier to get rid of the unit or put it into the closet.

It is not an heirloom, but it is functional and it isn’t going to fall over and fall apart. I worked really hard to make it as square as possible without a square. When that didn’t work I went to Ace Hardware and bought one. I tried really hard to make sure the pattern in the frames hung straight. And while it does, I some how managed to get the middle piece in upside down.
I said damn it and left it that way. There will be a day when the irritation grows bothersome enough that I’ll pull the staples out and re-hang the middle panel. Until then...
Note my "entertainment center". Bose radio on a box I refinished this summer.
Nice work. I suspect the error will fade away. What I noticed, and it may well be the angle of the shot, is that the picture on the wall seems too high.
It's the angle and it's only there covering up the spot where the big flat screen tv will go - one day.
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