I always been about as flexible as a frozen clothes line, barely able to touch my toes. This morning, there wasn’t much pain as I got my finger tips to the floor. And yesterday I shoveled another six inches out of the driveway.

Twenty eight days to Hawaii. Hee-hee-hee.
I’ve been pondering my New Year Resolutions. Since I’ve been on a diet for four days now, I didn’t need to resolve to lose weight. Nor did I resolve to exercise more. Or swear less. Or drink more milk. Nor did I make any financial resolutions such as save more or spend less or earn more by securing a job. I've made no commitment about taxes. I didn’t decide to write more, read more, pray more. Nor am I going to be kinder to animals, little old ladies, pan handlers and liberal democrats. I didn’t think it was worth any consideration to learn a new language, take up a new hobby or finish an old project. Making contact with old friends, making new ones or improving current relationships seemed unworthy of any super attempts warrented in most resolutions. And I resolved not to make any resolutions to save the planet, as global warming sounds good right to me. (It’s -9° this sunny morning and people will be jumping into Lake George this afternoon.)
This is not to say some improvements on my behalf are not needed. There are two endless lists – those improvements I am well aware of and those improvements I should be well aware of. As a goal oriented individual I work on all these things most of the time and will continue to do so regardless of the turn of a year.
Instead, I decided to worry less. Yes, to be less concerned about weight, health, finances, relationships and even my relationship with God. I figured this was one good resolution. A good motivator.
This is how it works. I hate being cold. It causes me to fret about being cold. And consequently I limit my exposure to it. That is unless I’m mountain climbing and then cold is just part of the package. I don’t worry about it. Realizing this, I decided to apply not worrying to other aspects of life. But first the cold.
Okay, it is butt ass cold outside this morning. I have the gear for it. Nevertheless I hate being in it. So I joined Dad outside as he removed another inch of needless snow from the driveway. I cranked up the Jeep and by golly it turned over. Frost inside and all.
I knew he wanted to go to the Lake George Polar Plunge. I didn’t because I didn’t want to be cold. Quit worrying about being cold and go. So we did. Lord Almighty there hasn’t been that much exposed white skin since Moby Dick encountered the whaling ship Pequod.

Not worrying isn’t meant as a license to act stupid – eat whatever, become a slug and disregard relationships. It still means I am responsible to maintain my physical and spiritual self. It’s just…well, I’m not going to worry about it. And any necessary corrective course of action will take place when needed, not January 1, 2009.
Oddly, this is the first year in five that I'm not worried about where I'm going to live. Feels good. Probably means I'll end up under a bridge.
Now I got to go stretch out that hamstring before it freezes up.
Great approach! Hard to do, but worthwhile.......
About as hard as jumping in a lake!
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