I offer up to my fellow Americans my piece of AIG. I’ll take $46,000 for it. In return, I'll give you a nice little piece of paper, sort of a stock certificate, which claims you have my share. Actually, you don't have to be an American. A rich Saudi is fine. Honest, I own this. I have been told I, along with all my fellow Americans, own 80% of this company. Since I didn’t get my bonus from AIG, but got the shaft instead, I’m willing to relinquish my share of the company.
How did I came up with the figure $46,000? It was actually a meticulous calculation. I’d explain it, but it would be as equally confusing and astonishing to grasp as AIG paying out $165 million in bonuses.
I promise when I sell my share, I will pay taxes on this amount, so that I can continue to fund the government's debacles. It is the least I can do.
I was going to post this on Ebay, but they kind of frowned on it.
so how good do you think our 2 life insurance policies are?
Hum, I don't advocate killing yourself to find out. Hopefully, it is just a term insurance policy. If not, cash it out and buy beans. For more free financial advice...don't look here.
of course its term - im not THAT stupid.
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