I experimented with two of my other blogs. I figured Phoenix and Diablo would not be any of the wiser if I messed up their blog. My only worry was that Diablo is Twittering and has forty followers (I have eight. Stupid cat.) and she might get a little upset if I screwed it up. But I figured she is in New York and I’m in Hawaii so what could she do to me? Scatch me?
I had to do some research on the how to’s and found better information at Bloggers’ community pages than in the site's information pages. This is always the case. Next I had to design a background, so that meant whipping out my Abode Photoshop skills. My skills are not that sharp, kind of like cutting a tomato with a table knife. After a few attempts I began to get the rust off the blade.
Now that it is done I discovered I need to change the vertical banner. Bound needs a capital B. Later.
For extra practice, I fooled around with my ValeriePerez blog site. Not to be confused with ValeriePerez website, which will be a whole other block of time to be consumed. (I should be cleaning, packing and writing.)
I kept searching my photos for a good background photo. Couldn’t find the perfect one, until I stumbled on a painting by D. C. Newman Collins, titled Sail Boating. I like the picture. D.C. Newman Collins (1865-1953) was an accomplished civil engineer and architect. He studied art in Philadelphia as a young man and became gifted in painting, drawing, woodworking, metalworking, and photography.
Making the changes to this site was a little more complicated than SouthBound Cats and Valerie Perez. The layout is different and required more that one line of code changes. A little trial and error and few more adjustments to the JPEG files and Ta-Da.
I hope you like.
Check out South Bound Cats. And if you twitter, follow me or follow Diablo. She has more time to waste than me.
Nice work on your blog page. I'll follow your page as I have concluded Twittering is a waste of time and serves little earthly purpose...but then that's just one man's opinion.
No offense, Diablo.
Diablo has managed 46 followers as of this morning. I have no idea what she is doing at night. Guess I better get back to NY and pay attention. Good thing she is fixed.
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