While I enjoyed a masalada from Punalu‘u’s Bake Shop
(“southernmost Bakery in the US’)
Jeff, my lava tour guide, was t-boned
in a Hilo
intersection 50 miles away. These two events effected the weekend.
Instead of stuffing my face with a creamy vanilla treat I could have
checked my email and learned that my lava tour – a two to three hour one way trek
to see molten lava spill forth into the ocean – had been cancelled for the
night. Instead, I jumped back on the road destined for Volcano Village
where I’d check into a cabin before heading south pass Pahoa to reconnoiter a
boat launch a Hale Isaac Beach. Finding the launch in broad daylight would
save me precious sleep time on early Sunday morning. At least this was the
plan. I found the 4 am meeting site for the boat tour at the end of a twisted
narrow single lane road. Next, I hurried off to the End of the Road about 16
miles away. Here the eruptions from Kilauea long ago
consumed attempts to circumnavigate the island with pavement. If I had known Jeff
ended up in the hospital I would have detoured to Green Beach
for a hike and some body surfing, my plans for Saturday.
Instead, Friday’s events changed my weekend plans. Not the
masalada, but his accident. I expected
to hike Friday evening to where the lava flowed into the ocean. On Saturday I planned to go to Green Beach and on Sunday morning a boat trip to sea lava. Now Green Beach was out and the hike and boat trip were crammed together Saturday night and Sunday morning. I wasn't
angry or frustrated. I had tried for years to see lava
and tigers. Both have been elusive. Maybe it wasn't in my karma. What
would one more day mean?
It rained most of the Friday night. The 4000 foot elevation cools Volcano Village
nights and Mauna Loa keeps it wet. In the tiny cabin I had rented I buried myself
under two thick wool blankets, the weight pinning me to the bed where an
electric pad took the damp coolness out of the sheets. Darkness crept quietly out
the fern forest beyond the cabin’s lanai.
Crickets and other insects hummed in the depths of night. By morning the birds’ symphony replaced the
insects’. The light drumming rain did not stop. It didn’t matter to me. The day had to be easy and relaxed. No super hikes to converse my energy for the night followed by a very early boat tour.

By 4 that afternoon, I returned to the End of the Road. Ed, the local resident of whatever the village on the
lava is called, sat on the trunk of his beater car. He slipped on a pair of
socks preparing for our trek. Yes, it was now going to happen. After all these
years. After all the tries. I was
finally going to see lava flowing, and on my birthday!
When anyone wants to see lava from the county side (verses
the National Park side) they have to cross private land before reaching beach
access which is open to anyone. The private land entry is guarded by a security
force hired by the county
of Hawaii. They prevents the random tourist from walking
through the property where the most crazy people buy and build structures
completely off the grid – no utilities what so ever. Most of these structures
are mere house shells, simple frames and skins that
resemble Tennessee zoning codes - none. When you can wake up any morning to find lava
flowing down your driveway you don’t invest too much in the building structure.
The houses are of every shape, size and
color. They sit on treeless, green-less
black lava flows, under a beating sun and in a wind that rarely stops to take a
breath. Solar panels roost on roof tops and wind mills blades scream constantly in the wind. The road that cuts a large U through the
scattered houses is a crushed red cinder. Its dust settled on the inside and
outside of my car almost immediately. Ed's piece of paradise among the fifty-odd other
residents goes for $300 a month.
I asked if I could use the bathroom before we left. He turned the water on so I could flush. I
couldn’t close the bathroom door completely because from the corner of the door hung a
closet’s worth of clothes. I took a quick look around. Open studs on the outside
wall. Electrical wiring snaked through
the joists to the rocker panel light switch. There was a shower area behind a curtain. A
post card from Maui posed five girls with
their tight round butts facing the camera. Ed
was an ass man. Before leaving the house
I glanced at the carefully potted marijuana plants that lined the livingroom
beneath his large picture window.
Ed wore the exact
same tie-dyed shirt he had on the previous day. My sister called to wish me Happy Birthday as
we headed down the cinder road. The wind made hearing my sister difficult. I
was surprised we even had a connection. To reduce some of the noise, Ed switched to the up-wind side. I assumed Ed had worn the shirt more than just yesterday. Made a mental note to stay up wind.
While picking our way through the “yards” of the
community I saw the white billows rising from the coast. Our destination. I
estimated it to be about three miles as the crow flies.
Longer on foot. To be honest, I
had little expectations of seeing any lava. Great hope, but little expectations. Even as we headed toward the steam clouds I
knew several things could prevent me from seeing the lava. Its location could be hidden behind cliffs. The wind
could trap the steam cloud over the lava. I could fall and break my neck before
arriving – or after wards too. Ed could be the total hippie flake I expected him to
be and never get me there. He already
had my $100.

The first time I saw red lava, I got the camera out and as I
took the shot, a breakout on the upper cliff occurred. I was so excited as the flow drooled down the cliff to the sea. I
apologized for acting like a little kid. “Hey, it’s your birthday.” He seemed pleased that I got such a thrill out
of the sight.
We arrived at an upper breakout. I was overwhelmed by the
senses. Excited but cautious. I watched
a boy poke at the lava that had skimmed over and turned silvery gray. He twisted the stick to reveal the thick glow
of red that ignited his stick. Heat
filled the air in a way I had never experienced. To the eye the source was not
apparent for it was from black lava on which we were standing. I wasn’t just feeling heat. I was in the
heat. On the heat. The heavy air smelled of burning
rock, not so much sulfur although that was part of it too. And the fresh lava
crackled as it cooled. We moved off the
hot spot toward the cliff above the ocean entry. Immediately it felt as if I
stepped off something that was alive.

I had packed trail mix to snack on. My guide had the
munchies. He consumed it like a tiger on raw meat. I suppressed my
laughter. I had been so absorbed in
watching the lava that when I turned around to retrieve my bottle of water, I
was completely surprised by the number of people behind me. Ed and I sat at the ledge but away from the upper
break out. Everyone else sat the next outcropping behind us. When one young man
ventured ahead of us and even closer to the cliff a guide came over to retrieve
I wanted to begin the hike back when there was still a bit of
daylight. My eyes and feet coordination would adjust easier. From my caving experiences I knew the
first few minutes inside a cave is a little disorienting when darkness shuts
down senses. I always feel clumsy looking for the ground. When you walk you rarely pay attention to foot
placement. Now every step mattered. Headlights on the new lava sparkled. What
didn’t sparkle were holes and cracks. I
never fell, but stumbled a few times catching myself with my hiking poles. A
few times I accidentally stuck a pole tip into an empty space.
I became disoriented. The ocean was on the left, not the
right side. Ed
was back-tracking. Going out the destination had been the red glow and
billowing clouds. Returning, there was nothing to sight on but darkness. The
upper ridge of Kilauea disappeared. The ocean disappeared. The lava beyond my
head lamp disappeared. Only the stars, the wind and the ocean's roar remained in this world. We approached the jungle – the remnants that have been able to avoid eruptions. I made out faint silhouettes of coconut trees. The distant whispers
of insects and coqui, the tiny invasive frog with an ear-piercing chip, could
be heard. The closer we came the louder
the sounds, but still I could see no lights expect the flashlights of other
people returning from the lava flow.
About 9 pm we crossed the cinder road and emerged in the
village. Ed invited me in to use the
bathroom and have a drink of water. He drew a map for me to get out of the
community. I couldn’t believe how freaking dark it was. I was concerned
that I wasn’t going to be able to find my way out. Before I left he sang Happy Birthday in a decent cocktail lounge voice and gave me a big hug.
Wow. Just the blog post was life changing. I can't believe you really did this! Amazing! Thank you for sharing it! I'm going to send it to my dad.
Love the way your writing transports you to your written destination I look forward to more from our hometown girl !! C.June
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