Sunday, September 30, 2007

To Serve

He said, “Let’s pray about it.”

I wondered if I held my flinch. I know I flinched on the inside. Praying is not one of my talents. Yes, I pray. I start conversations with God all the time. Before I go to sleep, I read the Bible and remember certain people in my prayers. Say thanks and praise God for all my blessings and fortune. I think of at least one event or thought of the day were I connected with God. Write it down.

But when Hal suggested we pray about conducting a Financial Peace University class at the church I flinched. I went to the 9:30 service thinking, “If I wanted to pray about something, I’d pray for something I want.” Like a pony.

Of course, I volunteered to teach the class. Worked up the nerve to do so. Or maybe had enough “conversations” with God about it. Got hit in the head with a few messages from the pulpit. Decided I could give to the church this way.

Now I have to pray about it. Guess, that was what I had been doing all along, so I wondered why we had to pray some more.


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