Monday, July 21, 2008

Two Weeks Later

On Saturday, I sat through a boring eight-hour class on the duties and conduct of being a security guard for the New York State Racing Association. The instructor was more interested in tell jokes and entertaining the class with state trooper war stories. I prevented myself from nodding off by watching others fall asleep. At the end of the day I score 100 on the twenty five multiple choice questions and wasn’t too surprised to be standing in roll call the next day with those who had taking naps and scored 70. I probably could have pulled at least 80 if I had not sat through class.

Yep, I am a security guard at the race track for the next six weeks. Got the badge and everything.

Material, material, material...


Anonymous said...

Good luck! ONe year I chauffeured an elderly couple back and forth to the track and dinner. I wrote a short story about it...and still talk about the experience!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back to Blogging! I've missed your photos and adventures. You have so much energy and know how to do so many things --- an inspiration for me to get moving. Hope all is peaceful at the track for you.

Valerie Perez said...

Julie: I'd love to read the story