Thursday, January 21, 2010


After hearing the liberal pundits explain Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, I am angry at being called angry. I, like many Americans, am concerned about the socialist experiment Congress is bent on conducting. I’m not angry. I am alarmed. The people in the Commonwealth didn’t vote for Scott Brown because they are stupid. They didn’t vote for Scott Brown because he is good looking, drives a pick up truck and wears denim well. They didn’t vote for Scott Brown because they like their state's health care and selfishly want to deny the same to the rest of the country. If you believe that, pack your bags come November. You have no clue.

Scott Brown took basic conservative substance,a moderate, above-board, positive tone and campaigned to reclaim America’s founding principles. The Senatorial race’s outcome was about Congress trying to ram 2000 plus pages of staggering laws, taxes and fines down America’s throat under the guise of Health Care Reform. It was about the government’s attempted to replace America’s free enterprise system with socialism. It was about government taking control over 1/6 of the US economy.

Despite what liberals think, Obama wasn’t given a mandate to turn this country into a European-style polity. He won because he offered some nebulous change when America became disillusioned with President Bush. Let’s be honest, Mussolini could have beat John McCain.

In September, the people of Massachusetts began to reinvest in America. At first quietly, but purposefully. Nobody was paying attention. The fact was clear: this was blue state Kennedy territory. Yet, the people stood on street corners with hand made signs. They went to Washington and pleaded. They went door to door. They attended town hall meetings. There wasn't anything angry about it. Last night, at of the end of Obama’s first year as President, a new shot was heard around the nation, if not the world. Call them Tea Baggers. Call them crazy. Call them misguided Independents, or fed-up Democrats. Massachusetts citizens were energized and ready to battle, tired after a summer and fall of no response out of Washington.

America dodged a torpedo. The loss of a key seat in the Senate now gives Republicans the power of a filibuster. We came close to sinking the ship. Mind you the Democrats still command Congress and the White House. While the battle might have been won, the war is hardly over. We must not abandon our positions. All hands need to remain on deck. Back door deals, lack of transparency, favoritism to special interest groups, outrageous debt creation, bigger government spending, irresponsible taxation is not acceptable. One man won’t stop that. The movement must continue.

When the Democrats lost the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races they denied what this meant. The losses were pushed aside, as if not important. The question is will they continue to sleep despite this epic defeat?


Anonymous said...

i only hope he stays the way he is: beholden to no one, honest, down to earth, and with more than a lick of common sense. and in answer to your last question - one can only hope.
an idiot was interviewed on tuesday (during the day - polls open) who said she wasnt a coakley supporter, but she was going to vote for coakley because she thought keeping the 60 seats was important "to maintain balance" - WHAT?!?

Valerie Perez said...

I read that in the paper! My response was she needed to be run over by Scott's truck. Oops, is that mean spirited?

Anonymous said...

arg! if im an islamic terrorist they want to protect me; if im anything but a liberal democrat they went to tar and feather me and hang me from the highest tree.if im in the medical field and abortion is against my religion it doesnt matter and i have no right to my beliefs. if im an islamic terrorist my rights are fully protected.
and i hear it is the (hack hack choke gag) rePUBlicans (ick scorn) who corner the market on double standards!!!!!!!!