Thursday, April 04, 2013


Compassion trumps moral standards any day of the week.  When moral values go head-to-head with compassion most people don’t have the moral courage or the fortitude to stand on higher ground. That's why values and truth lose in the battle with feelings. Being right doesn’t matter when you feel good.  

Unfortunately, few understand that doing what feels good is not the same as doing the right thing.  In a secular-left world values are based on little more than what feels good. There is a huge difference between what feels good and what is good. The confusion arises because feelings come from the heart and so logically they must be good. Right? Is there where I quote Scripture about the heart? Nah.

But the guy next door is convinced that your life has no more meaning or value than his dog’s.  In the secular world you can’t honestly say that your life is more valuable than the neighbor’s dog. There is nothing to base this on expect what your heart is feeling.  But what is in one man’s heart may not be in another's.

In the Judeo-Christian world Christians and Jews know that man was made in God’s image. This makes a man’s life holy. Therefore, his life is valued above all other creatures, such as the neighbor’s dog.  The source for this value and other such values is external to man. They are not heart-based. They are God-based.  Accepting this is difficult to the secular-left because people aren’t willing to concede control of their lives to something external. (You’re-not-the-boss-of-me attitude.)  Even Christians struggle with this and we see few have the courage to stand firm in what God has instructed.  The Bible becomes a smorgasbord from which to pick and chose.

When two people are in love and desire to proclaim their love they get married. Everyone wishes them marital bliss. To be married is to take part in an important institutional union that has served society throughout time and among all civilizations.  However, some people can tell a story of a friend, a friend of friend, or a family member who has fallen in love with a member of the same sex who desires to demonstrate that that lifetime commitment.  They want to marry and want that marriage to be recognized in the same manner as the union between a male and female couple.  When they can’t there is a sense of injustice, unfairness and inequality.

One should stand the moral ground on the marco-level and have compassion on the mirco-level.  Despite the definition of marriage – a union between a man and a woman – the liberal left sets out to ravage the institution that has promoted the stability and the survival of societies. They require all others to crap on the institution for the sake of the same sex couple’s happiness. The reason is simply because the left is enlightened in all matters of feelings. 

We have evolved not to think any more, but to feel.  This requires no moral courage. 

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