Friday, September 15, 2006


I can’t remember everything and what I did forget was the camera.

My presentation at Higher Grounds in the Saratoga Springs Public Library had a modest turn out and I sold nine books, a record sale for an event. One great newspaper article, 500 distributed flyers and a roast beef church dinner were the ticket. My own home turf caused me to be a little nervous. I just did not know who might show up, not that I have any baggage to worry about, but I do have those class reunion anxieties.

One person came from the church, another from my high school class, and one from my sister’s class (two years behind me). Some came because of the article. The School Teachers came to show their support and so did Jill Wing, the reporter from the Saratogian and head of my PR department where my dad is CEO and main spokes person. Then there was an interesting young woman who was a speech therapist.

Her name was Lisa. She had a need to go to the farmers market when my dad and I were plastering cars at the farmers market. Prior to getting out of her car she was discussing her desire to be a writer with a friend on her cell phone. Not wanted to alarm her, dad tapped on the window instead of just leaving the flyer under her windshield wiper. He told her that his daughter had written a book and invited her to the presentation. Her friend heard dad tell her that and both thought dad’s knock on the window was more than coincidental, after all a stranger invites Lisa to a book signing while she is discussing her desire to be a writer.

Dad moved on to continue his marketing mission, and Lisa headed off to the market, except she did not have her wallet, so she could not buy a thing. Mission aborted. Yet, maybe it was fate to be there when dad came by. When she came in, she asked if my dad was handing out flyers. At first I thought she was going to complain. I said my dad was here and she told me her story. She asked if she could email me if she had any questions about writing and publishing. Of course, but I am not an expert.

Just before the reception, I went to the restroom to make sure I would not have to go while I was reading or talking. In the hallway I was stopped by a handsome man with a familiar face. Gone was the face and body of a teenager, which was the last time I saw him. Before me stood a lean, strong man, with the same composure of his youth. He asked me if I was Valerie and as I replied I recognized him as Little Stevie Bicklehaupt.

His mom still calls him Stevie, but he went on to explained that she thinks there are two of him, Stevie and Steve. He shared that his mother suffered from a stroke a year ago and with the help of his wife, Pam, they provide round the clock care for her.

When I was in junior high Tom, his older brother, asked me out and I said no. When my sister was in high school Steve and Robin dated for little while. He asked about Robin. The last he heard she had been in a biking accident and broke her jaw. That was June 1981. Time gets away from all of us.

A special thanks to the following: Lisa, Darren and Lisa, The School Teachers-Ginny and Joyce, Jill, Steve, Kimberly, Kate from Pokai Bay of all places (it is the bay from where my sail trip left Hawaii), and Dad’s friend from Saratogian-Shelia for purchasing The Last Voyage of the Cosmic Muffin.

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