Saturday, May 02, 2009

Hate Crime

It wasn’t even at a picnic. Been bitten by any ants lately? Count me in for three, at least. The nasty little buggers have been herding their aphids up and down the areca palms. I assume their aphids. While I rooted in the dirt for snails, they unsuspectingly nailed me.

The first bite hurt, but I never saw the culprit. Like a little-ass bee sting. The second one I found chomping down in the folded skin on the top of my knuckle.Wouldn’t let go. Its Rottweiler death grip caused me to examine the crime in progress, but not for long. Amazed but pained. A mere brush against my pant leg didn’t deter him. I actually had to grabbed the pest by the collar before he let loose. Of course, no mercy. I rolled him between my fingers and turned him into a memory, except for the sting which later turned to an itch…for days.

Considering "insecticiding" the whole garden place before I leave. Between ants, mealy bugs, aphids, snails and some worm that chews leaves and then uses them to make little cocoon-like abodes the place has been a pain to monitor.

But the plants do look nice and I am surprised that I didn't lose a single spindly plant during the last year.

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