It was a productive day, in part because it rained, and the need to make the most of these up coming book signings. With that in mind, I sent out notices of the book signings to sailing clubs up and down the coasts of Rhode Island and Connecticut. Then I sent emails out to newspapers – dailies and weeklies – with announcements and press releases. I contacted a couple of farmers markets and identified two more to call on tomorrow. I also scouted out Barrington Books. So glad I did for I got lost twice. (I swear there is something wrong with me. I can’t even go around a block and not get turned around and lost.)

I dropped off ten books and had a very pleasant chat with the owner, Tony Allen, Peace Corps 1, Philippines. For my final task, I prepared a package with a copy of The Last Voyage of the Cosmic Muffin for Joe Meyers of the Connecticut Post for his review. It is a long shot for a review as most newspapers stick to reviewing the Random House books and not small time Print on Demands. But I am coming to New Haven, so one never knows what might happen.

Since I was hard at work, I ordered a new battery from Dell to replace the recalled battery. I guess if I wish to make a grill cheese sandwich, my computer works better than a George Foreman’s Lean Mean Fat Cooking Machine. Just leave the top down for twenty seconds. My computer may not be dishwasher safe. (The cooker does look a little like a laptop.)
This evening the sun came out so I rode my bike down to the Eastern Yacht Boat yard and wandered under the boats propped up for repair, sale or storage. Need to return tomorrow with camera.
Threw out a dead mouse. The stiff carcass was discovered when Phoenix took a very strong interest in something under the sink. I became suspicious. Cats thought it was all fun and games. See photos at SouthBoundCats.
Phoenix jump out the little slide in the door about 10 pm. Shit, I could not find the flashlight quick enough. I don’t know if I accidentally left the slide open or if she finally worked it open. She has been pawing it for a couple of days. I immediately knew she jumped out because I felt the ever so slight movement in the RV. GONE. Yes, I was upset she got out, but not nearly as when Diablo escaped. With flashlight and food bag I went out after her. She wasn’t under The Rig. I always suspected she’d head for the hills. Since there were people on the far side of the RV, I figured she would not go that way. Calling her name and shaking the bag of cat food, I looked toward the road and sure enough she came sauntering back from some distance. She was reluctant to come get the food. I know she knew it was a trap. I grabbed her by the neck, she let out a tiny meow and I tossed her back into the camper. It will be a miracle if I don’t lose either one in the next three months.
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