I came close to foregoing church for laundry duty, but made my way back to Newport’s Church of Christ, being one of three guests in a congregation of nine. We all came forward for communion in a circle and passed the sacraments amongst us. A special prayer for me for tomorrow I am back on the road.
I must remember to do laundry during the week when others are at work. I picked a laundry close to Wal-Mart and the naval station, so it was very busy. I noticed most dryers were empty and most washers were full, so I knew I was on the tail end of a wave of washers. I found a washer; colors and whites mixed into one huge washer and a twenty-seven minute cycle. I expected I would have some difficulty finding a dryer, but caught one right at the end of my wash. While the clothes suds up, I went to look for a decent ice tray. They came in a four pack for $1.05, including tax.
The sun was beginning to break through a thick layer of clouds by mid-afternoon, but in the distant I heard thunder.

A bank of dark clouds hurried up the bay and I thought it would stay to the west, but a shift in winds carried the pack overhead with a hard blow. I closed up the west side of the RV and hatch and watched the darkness creep eastward covering a still blue sky. Once again the sun is showing some promise. I am hoping the weather clears for sunset, as I would like to go to the marina and shoot some boats.
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