What are three Vermonters doing in Buzzard's Bay? Jammin', pickin' and having fun. If you like your Blue Grass with a hip sound-maybe called NuGrass-you need to check these three guys out. Gordon Stone, pickin' a weapon of mass destruction on banjo and pedal steel guitar is accompanied by the raspy voice of Jimmy Ryan who handles a mandolin with the same ease and smoothness as James Bond drinking a martini while that handsome Rudy Dauth commands his audience's respect on bass. I never heard this kind of Blue Grass in Tennessee.
Okay, that is my review. Hey I liked these guys. After the Concerts in the Park at Buzzard's Bay the boys jump north to Lake Placid Tuesdays on August 15. Green Mountain College is in for a treat on September 2. On the 3rd Gordon Stone Band rolls into Turin, NY doing moe.down and then they finish up September at RIRAS in Burlington, VT. Lose yourself in a songs listen to Tiramisu. I almost found myself back on a boat! Thanks guys.
Hi - just read your blog. They guy on bass at Buzzards Bay is Jon McCartan - Gordon Stone's regular bass player. Check out his website jonmccartan@jonmccartan.com
Jon, I checked out your website and I sincerely apologize for the mis-identification. Heaven knows-where did I get the name Rudy? I will correct this mistake. Nevertheless, I did not error - you are as cute as a cupcake!
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