Monday, September 29, 2008

Strike Two

I can’t imagine the flurry of emails to my Congressman Zack Wamp (R-TN) has made the difference, but I’m pleased that the House shot down the bill to bailout the mortgage companies, banks and investment firms with money I don’t have. Late this morning I fired another email to Honorable Wamp, just before the vote went down. I urged him to go back to the drawing board and take the crap like directing money to the labor unions out of the bill.

Last night I downloaded the 107 page document house committee had been hammering out. My, my, my. It had grown from the original three pages to 40 plus pages on Friday to the bill that was struck down faster than lightening can even rip through the sky.

I’m afraid Congress will not get it right. If they do, I’m more afraid they wouldn’t recognize the solution. Nor would they have the balls to pass it. We need a true leader to step forward, cut the bullshit, the kingdom making and present the real solution to the problem. If they can put their eyes on the ball and not look out for special interests, maybe, just maybe, Americans might trust Congress to get it right. But that is hard to do when you come to bat with a 9% approval rating.

So now we will watch the economy crumble. Do I want to see it? Hell no. But I think I can recover from an emotional reaction to this lack of confidence far quicker than a falsely made promise from Congress.


Anonymous said...

BTW - since dad gave you permission: you have my permission to email my congressmen too. they would LOVE to hear from the likes of you i am sure. since youve got this all rehearsed you could simple cut and paste. theyll never know.

Valerie Perez said...

I wrote a thank you to my rep last night. The email system seemed to be bogged down. Even this morning. I'll fire up some more later today. I guess it is nice to have free time to be a citizen of concern.

Now how much money did you lose?

Anonymous said...

i havent even looked. my imagination isnt as bad as the reality i am sure.
but my rxi stock was still up a buck and a half from when i bought it!
i hear mccains getting blamed for everything - meanwhile Jeffrey A. Miron a senior lecturer in economics at Harvard University (cant get more liberal than that!)and a Libertarian (no less) was one of 166 academic (read liberal) economists who signed a letter to congressional leaders last week opposing the government bailout plan.