Sunday, November 16, 2008

Intruder II

Two things I am constantly doing - running around the condo without my glasses and leaving the screen door to the lanai wide open. I berate myself. “Damn, the cats got out again”, for I would not dare continue this habit if they were here. Nevertheless, I can’t seem to break myself, even going to bed with the door left wide open. So when I stalked the living room without my glasses and ran right into the screen, knocking it off the hinges, it caught me a bit surprised to find the door closed. I got to put my glasses on, especially if I’m going to find the cats.

I half expected a mongoose to visit. Maybe he has. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught his nose poking around my bike tire. If not for the breeze which disturbed the newspaper he might have ventured further onto the lanai. And the door was open.

The open door invites in the geckos and a few insects, but I expect both critters would have made their way past the threshold regardless of the screen. Birds have come darn close to entering. The doves and Hawaiian cardinals peck around the patio eating something. I can’t figure out what except the sand which has fallen off the shingles and has washed down to the concrete.

It was dinner time and I was in the kitchen preparing fish when I saw a rangy cat with a collar in the living room. “Well wha’cha doing in here?” He paid no attention as he checked out the Nukuoro totem and my water fountain. Then without much adieu he slipped out the lanai door as quietly as he entered. “Hey Prowler”, I yelled after him. He disappeared under the fence.

The next evening he was out front. As I approached he hissed. “Hey, don’t be hissin’ at me.” I crouched and extended my index finger. He took the invitation and came to me. I petted him and he was friendly enough that my upstairs neighbors returning home from Costco asked me if the cat was mine.

Nope, just an intruder. People in the condo complex are not suppose to let their cats run loose. Before he took off I told him to stay out of the road.

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