Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Not So Free Public Libraries

After running around in the morning looking at more furniture – I need a decent bed –I stopped in at the library. It was noontime, I was starving and would have rather gone swimming.

At the desk I inquired about my card which of course disappeared into the depths of my storage unit years ago. At least I think that is where it is, but I couldn’t swear by it.

In order to get a card most libraries require some proof of residency. It is a tax thing. In Tarpon Springs, I presented a copy of my lease. Saratoga Springs' library was satisfied with a copy of a W2 form that had been forwarded from my Florida employer. Actually, I thought that was a stretch, but I reasoned if tax records had the Gansevoort address, then it was reasonable to assume I lived in the area. Or at least had some sort of attachment that required me to pay taxes, and thereby, support the Public Library.

In Hawaii, I thought they’d look in the system for my record since I was here three years ago. At worst, I'd pay the ten dollar fee for a misplacement card. Nope. Residency card, or Hawaii driver’s license or a local bank statement required. Hum. If the staff at the Kona library was employed as border security, the nation wouldn’t have an illegal alien problem. At least, we can sleep better at night knowing there aren't any illegals checking out books in the Aloha State.

Needless to say I don’t like the atmosphere in the Kona library. It is one of those “Shhh” places, unless you are staff then you can talk as loud as you like. No cell phones, food or drink. (In Saratoga, all were allowed. The place even had a cafe.) The kiosks don't have electrical outlets, so I can't plug in my computer. Kind of dusty smelling too. But the kick in the ass was not being able to get on the Wifi.

Next stop - Borders.

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