Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Battled Black Witch

The other day, after the moth returned a gecko tried to sneak up on it. I flicked a newspaper at the gecko. Usually any motion sends them for cover. This guy in pursuit of dinner stayed put, forcing me to get up and swat at it with a bit more authority. The gecko headed for the shadows. The moth took flight. I figured that was that. How many more time would it return to my lanai?

Late afternoon today it returned, carrying the scars of nature’s harshness. Its wings, once delicately dusted with fine powders that glistened in the daylight, were torn in battles with mates and predators. The bright blue “eyes” had vanished. What a tough two days it has been. Yet, it survived and returned to my lanai. How much longer can it hold off the powers greater than its very being? I'll be surprised if morning finds life.

I assume this once marvelous creature did what it was designed to do. No, not eat wool, but procreate. Thus it survived.

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