Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Since I have volunteered to work days and nights and I have been doing both, I haven’t had much time for writing. If I’m not working, or traveling to or from the job sites, or sleeping on strangers’ couches (actually, they were angels) or spending the hours between jobs at a friend’s condo in St. Pete to avoid traveling 50 miles back and forth to work (which turned out to be just what I needed as we later went roller-blading and then he treated me to dinner), I’m tiding up those loose ends so I can depart Florida…buy cat food, get condo insurance, order a u-haul, clean the kitchen….

Last Sunday my church gave a 100% money back guarantee on your tithe. On a contract, sort of speak, you were to sign God’s Guarantee to give 10% of your income for a 90 day period and each time you receive your paycheck take out 10% for the Lord and give it to First Christian Church. If not blessed within those ninety days, or if it causes financial hardship, or if the decision was a mistake, the church will refund the money.

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty. "And see if I will not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” Malachi 3:10

There aren’t many times God says, “test me.” But here is one.

Recognizing God’s ownership and my stewardship, and wanting the blessings promised, I chose to accept God’s Guarantee challenge.

After all, I’m working for no good reason except to have some money for Europe in May. Since I don’t need it, I can give 10% and with a guarantee to have “so much blessings you won’t have room for it”…what the heck.

Will keep you posted. Meanwhile, I’m going to take a nap.


Anonymous said...

It's never been about giving 10%: Mark 12:42-44

And if it was about being able to buy blessing, the Kennedys would never have experienced such tragedy in their family.

Valerie Perez said...

Having a relationship with God is not about avoiding tradegy in one's earthly life, but in dealing with it. Tithing is not a heaven or relationship issue.

When it comes down to it, the only thing we have to give is our love. Are you giving 100%?