Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Stand up Comedy

I’ve fantasized about doing a little stand up comedy routine, but I felt I could never write anything as sophisticated and laugh worthy as Rita Rudner who I admire. But last night at the East Lake Library I had them laughing for fifteen minutes as I delivered my self-publishing stores. I shared the stage with three other authors, all self-published at the monthly Author’s Showcase.

Of course, I plugged the Last Voyage of the Cosmic Muffin and in the end I sold two books and gave one away to Pat and Alex, a dear elderly couple from Peru who attend the Tarpon Springs Writers Group on Fridays. Several people commented that I should be making a circuit of women’s groups and engaging in other speaking events.

Most liked was the line about my niche target market, a market so small no large publisher would pick up my book. I estimated the target - defined as menopausal women who do crazy things such as sailing across the ocean in a boat with no bathroom - at no larger than forty-seven. Two were in the audience.

A few asked what happened to the captain. I got to smile.

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