Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More than Fur Balls

In preparation to vacate the condo, I’ve done as much pre-cleaning as possible. For example, since I don't anticipate using the oven or stove, I've cleaned that and it should stay clean. I shook out the bathroom rugs, ran them through the washer and hung them out to dry. That took two days.

I had a few errands to run in the morning. Before leaving I removed the trash from under the kitchen sink, but got distracted and accidentally left it in the kitchen. Inside the bag I had tossed a quarter of a sub sandwich with salami and hot peppers, a left over from last week’s sailing.

Meal time for the cats. After gorging on the meat, cheese, lettuce and other green things they vomited the undigested food all over the clean bathroom rugs.

Neither cat looked worse for the wear. Both patiently waited in the kitchen for their lunch all bright-eyed, sitting near their food bowls as innocent as angels. They watched me pick up little pieces of paper bag and sandwich wrappings scattered about the living room and clean up the soggy mess in the bathroom.


Anonymous said...

This is why I no longer harbor cats!

I take it they will move to Hawaii with you?

Anonymous said...

This story started my morning off with a good laugh (sorry it was at your expense tho). Thanks!