Friday, April 17, 2009

Another Friday

I swear I don’t know where the days are going, especially now. I am under thirty days left on island. How many more swims, predawn run and church services do I have left? Maybe only one more sunset. It has been pretty hazy for the past couple of months.

Went out to the mailbox to see if the IRS had sent their form for my extension to pay. I needed the extra days to liquidate my assets. Penalties and interest will cost an extra $800, but heck when you owe $51,000, this is chump change. Even though they want their moola ASAP, they seem to have failed to timely send me the forms. (Come to think of it, $800 could buy 37 inches of High Def TV. Oh well)

But the surprisingly nice thing I found in my stark metal box was a card from my sister. The scene captured an afternoon sun spilling long shadows across a snow covered country lane. The beauty of the moment, without the cold, without the dreaded thought of months to go before winter relents to spring.

And winter seems reluctant to move out of the North Country. One teasingly warm day followed by one of spitting snow as if winter angered by pregnant buds, longer days and the sound the peepers in the lowlands, runs through the mountain forest and howls.

Here in Kona we have been sitting in a pattern of high seventies, clear mornings, hazy afternoons. Reminds me of San Diego, expect I don’t have to jump over sleeping bums on the street when I go out for my run.


Anonymous said...

Winter howled through the Whites in disgust at Suns display of solar energy yesterday. The buds are barren. The peeps sleep.

Valerie Perez said...

Peeps will have to get busy when they finally awake.

Julie in AK said...

Peeps need sleep?

Valerie Perez said...

Deep in their little piles of mud

Anonymous said...

Wood frogs heard up at the Rocks. Distinct from the Spring Peeps in that they sound more like a duck. These guys get busy early. Ice and eggs.