Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hot Peppers and Hot Sauce

Lightening streaked across the sky at dusk. Under the amphitheater muted notes from instruments being tuned for the night’s performance answered the thunder’s roll. Between the sources of the sounds an audience anxiously stirred anticipating both the rain and the music of Tchaikovsky. A night at Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, SPAC.

Catered dinner included a spicy hot asparagus pasta salad. Delicious. Served with a Napa wine called FreakOut. Jennifer gave me the recipe. I used all the crushed red peppers and hot sauce as called for. If I were to make it again, I’d use about ½ the olive oil and maybe add some pine nuts.

Desert was a cheesecake tart with homemade black raspberry sauce topped with fresh berries. I made that too. But dessert was 16 cannons during the SolemnOverture, 1812. Followed by fireworks.

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