Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Library Card

Yes, I got it, but the librarian wasn't there. Rats. Or maybe that was good, because the assistant at the front desk said she wasn't going to charge me for a replacement card. Saved ten dollars. But she told me not to lose this one.

At some point I'll change my cell phone's area code, but that means a lot of documentation has to change and I'm not ready to embark on that project. Besides, I have too many books for sale that have the Tennessee Vols 865 area code.


Anonymous said...

Moving is a drag, with all these bureaucratic must-dos....but it occurs to me you kind of live in about three places, now, Hawaii, NY, TN....You could write a book on being a transplant (the American experience for sure).

Anonymous said...

You know that Johnny Cash song? I've Been Everywhere Man...