Thursday, October 02, 2008

Wooden Arrow

The experienced archer usually has a good idea of what an arrow should be whether it's a piece of artwork, a tip of the hat to primitive construction, a simple unadorned arrow with pure function in mind, or a combination of these factors. Prices can range from $80/dozen for stock arrows to $300+/dozen for primitive arrows.

A majority of arrow buyers are more concerned with function over art. It makes sense to consider the type of shooting you expect to do and very little sense to head out and loose and break a set of $300 arrows! To this end you should supply yourself with arrows of sufficient quality that will eliminate the aspect of "equipment error" in developing your proficiency. With archery tackle well matched to itself and your stature, inconsistency is reduced to "pilot error" - at which point your questions along the way will have more direct pertinence to your actual technique.

I’m in the market for a good wooden arrow. Yes, I need an arrow to poke the pork (including wooden arrows) in the BailOut Bill passed by the Senate last night. I think we should all arm ourselves with a few good wooden arrows and put a siege on Congress. Boy, did we have the wool (yeah, that’s in the bill too) pulled over our eyes.

See the crap in this 451 page bill at But you probably don’t have time. Just like you don’t have the money. That is unless you are in the wooden arrow business.

Fire those arrows at your representative in the House this morning. Its our last hope.


Anonymous said...

unbelievable the things that have zip zero nada to do with the issue at hand.
maybe you should highlight a few and post them here as like you said, who has the time to read almost 500 pages (altho the spacing and margin allowance seem very generous)

Valerie Perez said...

I considered that this morning and actually still have it saved as a draft. But what I didn't have time to do before I gave myself a head ache reading the stupid thing was to pull the dollar amounts out and add them up. I'm sure some other blogger has done that.