Saturday, August 05, 2006

It is the Other Reason!

I received an email from a new fan today and wanted to share it because it helped me put things back into prespective. No sales-depressing. But read on...

Hi Valerie.
You'll never guess where I first ran across your name that piqued my interest, so came to your web site and read everything. On the webpage "Roaming Times". I had been throwing around the idea to myself for several months of taking to the road; but being 60 years old and never having done such a thing before, was surfing the web for websites of where I might find other like minded women whom I might join up with; or at least talk to about it. I have no desire (at least at this point and time in my life) to "hook up" with another "man"; but not sure of being entirely "alone" out on the road either. Anyway, I have read all your web site--your blog is really good--wish I was there with you--my question is--will you have your book in hardback again soon? I want a signed copy-- but I'd rather have a hardback. The book sounds good. Take care out there, and be safe. I envy you. God Bless. Linda

Dear Linda,
Thanks for contacting me. I am excited about being out here on the road, but there are times when I wished I had someone with me. Take today as an example. Trying to navigate through and around Boston, while watching traffic and figuring out where the heck I was going was not fun.

If you don't mind, I am going to include your email on my blog because I am on a radio show on Sunday mornings for the purpose of sharing my experiences and encouraging women to get out on the road of life, sort of speak. We depend on men to provide a comforting sense of security (that is not a bad thing), but when they are not in our lives, for whatever the reason, we should not feel limited by that. In other words - get out there.

Yeah, I sound bold and confident, but there are times I am a wimp. I can feel insecure and wonder if this is all worth it. But then, I get an email like yours and that is what it is all about—encouraging others to take themselves out of their comfort zones and experience something new, rewarding and exciting. And you meet cool people too.

So, hit the road? I say, if you have the desire, put the fears aside, make your plans and go for it. I wish you all the best. Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you continue to find it enjoyable, funny and informative. Don’t forget to tune into Camping in the Zone with Raymond Brody on Sunday mornings 8 am eastern. I don’t know if I am on this week, but it is always a good show to listen to.

And may God Bless You.

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